Jun 10, 2010

I wish my father quarrel with my mom every day:

Leaping to keep up the pace, clutching the index figure of his dad, little Arjun took a small jump of exhilaration in the air. After few steps to the parking bay he asked his dad the same question which has not been answered by his father since evening “Dad, how often we can enjoy like this”. Without saying a word his father kept walking to the car. In between the drive to their home Arjun kept on cherishing the few hours he spend the day out with his dad. He had a visit to an amusement park where he did all the fun he wanted to do for months. He remembered of the Roller coaster ride he had few months back when he visited the same park with his parents. Today the excitement was doubled when he made a new friend in the park and had the same roller coaster ride again. At the front seat of his car he was still feeling the same excitement.

After having a lot of fun in the amusement park Arjun and his father had a terrific dinner at a restaurant. The dinner was all Arjun’s pick. He was so very happy that evening because after a long pleading to his father and mother Arjun finally did all he asked his parents for. Arjun was almost blond, well mannered, fair skinned 6 year old boy. He was known for his sensibility at this age. His loneliness has made him independent of any help, all a 6 year old boy need to have, to finish his daily chores. With both the parent working, Arjun had a lot of time to spend alone and think about himself. He had to spend almost 6 hours with their house help maid waiting his parents to arrive home from the work. While his mother’s timings were almost fixed and she arrives daily at 8 PM, his father’s work had no particular timing to reach the home. But he always tried to finish all his work till 9 PM and that was the time when they had a formal family meeting while the dinner after which Arjun was asked to sleep with the house help as he has to arise early in the morning for the school. This was the daily routine of the family members among whom the maid  was the only one who had to bear the major responsibilities of Arjun.

But today was Arjun’s the favorite day. The Sunday; the day when his all family have to be at the home for the whole day long. When the car took the final turn to reach the home, the pathetic thought of abiding the same old pathetic daily routine swarmed to his mind. But the pleasure continued. After reaching the home Arjun’s dad followed Arjun to his room. Arjun had a separate room in the big apartment where he was supposed to be with the maid during the night too. But today was a special day. Arjun’s dad ordered the maid to sleep somewhere else as he decided to sleep with Arjun. While giggling in the bed with his dad, lying keeping his head over his arm, sharing his innocent experiences, talking about his friends and teachers at school, Arjun read a lot of affection in his dad’s eyes. Suddenly he stopped while talking about one of his friend. When you are  at the end of a very pleasant experience, the thought of its end seems to be the end of the world to you. The same thought snapped Arjun too. The same question came to his mind again and he again and finally he asked it to his dad again, “Dad, how often we can have the same fun we had today”. His definition of fun was all about the time he had with his father today. It wasn’t more about the amusement park, nor was it more about his favorite dishes.

 “Very often”, his dad replied to placate him keeping his eyes into his.

Arjun was quite. Even when he got the answer in his favor he was expressionless. May be he couldn’t trust the answer his father gave to him.

After a moment of silence Arjun spoke, “I wish you to quarrel mother everyday”. Arjun turned aside removing his dad’s arm under his head, and turned off the lights.

Arjun’s dad went in the journey to the past to figure out what went wrong in the past years when he did almost everything in his power to keep his son happy.

Arjun was still awake. After a long duration, in the dark room, without changing his posture he said, “You share bed with me only when you have some issues with the mother and this is why I want you to quarrel mother every day”.

His dad was speechless. Speechless and balked with the immutable truth his son said. He tried to feel the pain his child had in his heart. But the time you are adult you become impotent to feel such emotions which can only spurt out in a child’s heart. The whole night he kept thinking “can I obviate the problem by sleeping with my kid every night”. The answer was NO. This was the most logical, amiable agreeable and pragmatic thing to be done according to his dad.

But this was not all his son needed to be happy. The mistake has been done. And no one was going to forget it.

Next day Arjun ripped away all the pages from his wish book and on the first page of it there was a new entry with black sketch pen which read “I WISH MY FATHER QUARREL WITH MY MOM EVERY DAY


  1. Awesome yaar ! the story is so good i cud imagine each n everyline i read! asa laga jaise ki i was reading in a magzine pr reader digest...! so professional~ masahallah!
    a true writer...and also night is as beautiful as the night with d stars timtimaoing and moon shining n smiling! marvellous !

  2. thanks a lot noor. Actually i was lost in memories of my childhood and i started counting my happy encounters. All of them included atleast one of family members. So, i decided to write this thing as these days i find that most of the parents are not giving the proper attention to their children.

    thanks for the appreciation. keep reading ..

  3. Awesome ............!!!!!!!!!
    It was really gud.........
    I like ur imagination......!!!!!!!!!!

  4. So mr writer story was good but the description,narration and presentation was brilliant. you know when one is able to picturize the story in mind, it means writer did his job. same was the case here. a fine writing. with each of your blog, you are showing the depth of your thoughts and mind. keep writing buddy, you are going in right direction.

  5. @ruhi :- thanks for reading the story ruhi .. and thanks for liking it ..

    @arvind :- :) .. thanks for the read and appreciations buddy .. be there for me .. :)
