May 15, 2010

Wanna sale certainty ... ??

What does it take to sale certainty in this uncertain world; to the uncertain people with the uncertain mind? what? Its certainty. Certainty? is that your answer? ... Yes, you just need to be certain that you can sale it and the people will agree upon it. That's the part confidence play. The counter term for certainty is the uncertainty. You got to negate it too. Its the human nature they offend you often with their uncertainty.
let's take a short example ...

You are in good mood, your wife asks you to go out for a movie. You say "yehh .. why not." just promptly. You said it .. now the next thought that comes to your mind is the phone call your friend made an hour ago asking you to play table tennis today and you nodded him too.
You take your eyes off from your wife and the next moment you again look to her and say "yehh .. we will go .. get ready" plainly, thinking of that your friend will understand but your wife won't and you sacrifice your tennis match which you were waiting for the whole week. Now you are certain that you want to go with your wife ... although it took a lot but still you are certain that your friend will understand and you may have some good time with your wife. You are certain now .. quite certain.

Now your wife who is a very very very keen observer noticed you taking your eyes off after the first nod. she says "Are you sure bob ... you really wanna go ?"

Now a doubt comes to your mind .. you asks yourself again .. "do i really really wanna go with her ?" ..
"Man can do some sacrifices too .. and yes i should go with her .. come on .. i have said yes to her a moment before and after all with whom the else she is supposed to go out with ..", your soul speaks and you say "yes darling ... we shall go", this time with a genuine smile over your face.

"We shall go or we must go, you are always so uncertain bob ..?"
you are quite.. smile gone .. just taking a breath to utter that "you want to go and we should leave", but your thought gets snapped ... and your wife says "aahaaan .. i got it .. you were talking to Bill few minutes ago and you said the same words to him too .. that we shall go .. how mean you are", your wife frowns at you.

Now you are looking for a holy god's picture on the walls of the room .. she snaps again ..
"You know what bob ... i m feeling this from last few weeks ... you don't love me any more .. and no matter what you say .. i know its true .. you really don't love me any more"

You see .. how your certainty has been turned upside down with the huge uncertainty your partner carries in his/her mind. Now that is the thing where your confidence ends.

Next thing in such cases that you need more than anything else in the world is the courage ... the courage to take your wife out with you despite of her bad mood. Courage to speak sorry all the way long to the restaurant. Courage to buy a box of chocolate for her as she likes it with a thought that she can also use it as something to hit you with ... so pal .. go with the courage .. i wish you luck ...

remember the moral .. " To sale the certainty you need to cut the uncertainty off " .. as in our above short conversation ..

Bob just needed to say "NO honey ... bill called again ... his stomach is upset and he can't play the game .. so get ready .. even i was about to ask you out ... " not a word less not a word more .. he just had to say it ... falsely ..


  1. Another good a blogger you are matured now...your mind is getting philosophical now...
    technically it was a good blog but i dnt like it personally as i was unable to attach myself to it...
    anyways now you have learn how to play with the words and this is compliment....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
