Mar 24, 2010

May everyone find the bliss!!

I felt you lord,
And have seen your work;
I am your growing up child,
And I am receiving your pleasant perks.

Thanks for the care you took during my childhood,
Our foe gave made me suffer;
But I carried on with the strength you gave,
This has made me tougher.

You love me the same way,
I do the love to you;
I know my responsibilities well,
And I will live them up to.

Worshiping you is not the key,
Neither is the praying;
Helping you in your motive is the one,
What everyone must be doing.

Give me some more strength,
I want to work upon foe with a sword;
As he isn’t weak,
I need you to help me lord.

Just give me the strength to go,
Just give me the strength to follow;
We will win on the day,
When every person will become our fellow.

Thank you lord.


  1. dats the spirit....!!! :)

  2. @Anonymous .. thanks for finding it worth reading ... and i will pray to god that this spirit never end ..

    @ruchi ... It may be wrong but it feels so right :) .. regarding this case, it wont be ever wrong again .. this believe is firm ... firm like my lord .. :) ..

    thanks for commenting and keep reading

  3. Excellent....... going places!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. hey its good that u r exploring spritual world :) loved the line "WE will win one day"...this "WE" is really great..i have only heard people say "Oh God! help ME to win" :) ..loved the poem as always

  5. @rinki ... thanks ..
    @isha ... sharp observation ..

    although i am seeking his help ... but i m not the common fragile man who knowingly throw their burden on the god but i m one of his followers who will help him in helping the others and making this world a better place ...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. hmmm....may everyone find the bliss....dnt know abt everyone ..but you got the bliss...a good poem...i started njoying it but soon it was should be a little more lengthy because when it was making sense it was over...i will expect little more depth next time....but a good one...

  8. Amazing :) bhai why didn't i see this earliar...:) u r wat u say the strong believer of God Almighty...and the best way to offer your love for GOd is showing your dedication in your work...coz hard work is the real prayer...which u do and am sure ur heights to reach ur desti is getting closer :) i pray again that may it get more close soon that the next step u take is direct on ur successful desti
