Jun 15, 2011

A Walk In The Park........ By Devika Rawat

"It was just another day,
A walk in the park,
The bright blue sky
And the fresh green grass
But the difference today
Was that this was no playground
But a vast park which stretched for
Miles and miles
And this was no walk through some ordinary park
It was a drive through a dream
Which I was living now.
In the park of my dreams.

This was not only a sanctuary
But also a bond with nature
It was not only an experience
But also an eye opener

The lush greenery
The pleasant fragrance
The sounds of life
And the feel of the wild
This was in all a package,
A heaven named Corbett."


  1. emerging poetess and future owner of this blog ;)

    Thanks for allowing ur mom and me to share this poem over this blog.

  2. All the best and our best wishes to u dear devika God bless u :)
